Join dance instructor, Bill Maynard, and master Carolina Shag! This class is open to all levels of dancers, no partner necessary. Carolina Shag is easy to learn and well suited to a wide variety of music including, beach music, Motown, rock, country, blues and R&B. Similar to other "swing" dances. Carolina shag is as easy as east coast, as versatile as west coast and perfect for a night out dancing in the Keys!
Workshop Price: $15
Billy Maynard grew up in a neighborhood where lindy hop was prevalent in the 50s and 60's. While living in Atlanta during the 80's he discovered a much smoother and easier style of swing dancing called shag and has been dancing ever since. He began teaching in 2010 at Tree of Life studio in Chelsea, Michigan and has continued teaching Salsa and Carolina Shag at the Marathon Community Theater and various other venues in Key West since moving to the Keys in 2014